Montag, 8. August 2011



I am a bit busy these days cause my dad and me are renovating my room. It is alot of work to free the walls from old wallpapers( our house is very old) and to decide which furniture is the right.
My new room is going to be brighter and more natural than the one I live in at the moment. In the new one the sun will shine almost the whole day. So I am really looking forward to the day when all is finished.

@ Romantic Heroine: Your post about "less is more" is very familar. I have already thrown away  some of old and  almost never used things- and you are right: You feel happy
 and free after you have done it!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Uh, how exciting it is to get a "new" room. I hope to get my new furniture this week, cause I can't wait longer! And my room is already exempt of all the useless stuff.

    Apropos, did you find someone who sent you some of his ireland-pics?

  2. Yes, I found someone but the person is very sorry that he can not give me the pics untill september... but it is better late than never
