Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2011


I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to post until now but my last days were a bit busy. We made a  class trip (with canoeing ♥) and I had some other things to do.
But now I am really looking forward to the next  week because I make a trip to Ireland!
I can not wait the bus departs and the world is flying past the windows.
The two weeks are going to be great, I am sure because Ireland has always been a place I dreamed of to visit one day.

I wish you some great, creative, relaxing and magic weeks of summer!

                                                    I wish I could travel with THIS train ....♥

Samstag, 25. Juni 2011

Fruit day

In our garden there are a few gooseberry and currant bushes(some very prickly gooseberries!) And they all wanted to be harvestet. And I can't believe that I got almost 10kg from only 4 bushes!
 For me it is always a miracle how the nature produces such gifts from sunshine and water....

I will bake a cake or make some jam in the next few days
We will see...

Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

hot chocolate while it is cold outside
have a good evening

Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011

Summer rain

The last really hot sunny days seem so far away now. Instead of warm sunshine it is raining big drops.
But I really love the smell of the earth in the air when it stops raining, especially when I pass a field with brilliant blue cornflowers and red poppy.

Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011

What I want to do now.....

When I look out of my window I can see the summer even the sun is not shinig so often but at the moment I have so much to do for school that I just want to be there and relax.... and maybe reading a good book ...... 

Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011

Hello World!

I was planning to create a blog for a long time now
and today I finally finished!

Oh, maybe I should introduce me first?
Well, I am a pupil from Germany and a little daydreamer.
Since a long time blogs inspired me and so I thought: " Why shouldn't I have one too?"
( And you see: There is still a lot to do to make this blog a nice place)

So I did and even if no one will read this.

Have a nice week!