Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

    I wanted to post a little Christmas greeting but I had some problems with the internet. But now I wish you the best for the new year 2013. 2012 is almost gone. It's scary how fast time can pass. I am very grateful for all the good things that happened and the wonderful people I met and I hope that you can think of enough happy events of this year. Right now I can hardly find the right words so I maybe write another post and maybe I will share a list with you  with things I'd like to to next year. We'll see. 

For now I wish you a peaceful place where you can spent the last days of this now very old year and  delightful days. 

It's a pitty it doesn't look like this outside anymore.


Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012

Beautiful World

Even the rain is starting to wash away the wonderful white snow which covered everything for more than a week I am still thinking of one beautiful morning. I forgot to take a photo but I am sure you can imagine it : It was so cold outside during the night that every single branch was decorated with ice crystals and the snow seemed much whiter. Because of the pale rose sky in the early morning the world looked like a quiet sphere of light and dreams.

Well, it is nothing very special but I made some origami stars and I think they look very pretty as they are hanging down from the ceiling above my bed.

I hope you are all well and I am sending you warm hugs and the best wishes for whatever you will do this week.

Freitag, 30. November 2012

Can you believe it? Tomorrow is already the first of December and the year is getting older and older.
So Christmas isn't far.

I feel a little exhausted because I have to study a lot for school and there are always some people who are so negative sometimes and this annoys me. My head feels like an untidy  room I have to clean up.
But there are still the ones who inspire me. This can be some of the lovely persons I see almost every day or just the singers of  the songs I listen to.

It got very cold the last days but it's a little bit sad that it didn't snow so far. But we'll see...
I don't know when you have to get up but when I get up it is still very dark outside. This means, if I am lucky, I can see the stars. Have you ever noticed the stunning dark blue of the sky when there's only a small stripe of lighter blue on the horizon? I love it!

It's a pitty that there are no northern lights where I live but one day I want to see them. They remind me of the fairytale " The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. It's was one of my favourite fairytales when I was younger and it still is.

Weherever you are, have a very lovely weekend an I wish you a lot of happiness for the first week of December.

P.S.: If you have a cold like me or you freeze a bit, you maybe try what I tried: I put little pieces of  fresh ginger in my tea and if you want you can add a little lemon juice( of course you can try this with different spices). You feel wonderful warm if you drink this "special tea".

Dienstag, 20. November 2012

"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."   ~Roald Dahl~


Dienstag, 13. November 2012

After I was in England for two weeks and after that not at home for some days, I am back.
But I just wanted to say "Hello" because there is so much to do for school right now and for now, I wish you a lovely week.

Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2012



The next  weeks you won't hear much of me because from Saturday on I will be in England for two weeks on a language trip. I am very excited and can't wait until I arrive! It will be the first time I stay in England and not just "drive by".

Before and after the journey there will be lots of exams to study for. It's so typical for autumn.

Even though I have to learn alot and there is still the project in January, which needs quite much preparation, I woke up this morning and felt like I was poured over with fairy dust....Now this feeling isn't that strong anymore but it's very magic.

( This foto isn't taken by me but in our garden I discovered a rose which is still blooming and which looks very similar to this one)

I wish you a wonderful week and maybe you can catch some sun beams if your October is as rainy as mine :)

Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2012


 I received another award, again by Romantic Heroine ( If I could I nominated her back!) Thank you so much :) I feel very honored and you don't know how happy I am about this!

It's called  "Very Inspiring Blogger Award"

Here are the rules:

1. Display the award logo on your blog
2.Link back to the person who nominated you
3.State 7 things about yourself
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award`s requirements

7 things about myself:

- as a child I believed growing up is a thing that just happens to some of us.Unfortunatly, time is proving me wrong.
- I feel like there is something I should do or create but I don't  exactly know what and something is holding me back. It's like I am looking for my passion.
- I don't really know what I can do when I am older. If someone asked me what my dreamjob is or what my strenghts are I answered: " Well, if you want I can paint a flower for you." And this is really bothering me.
- I love being alone at home, when there are just my cats and me. There is something magic about it and I don't know why.
- I like being outside in a forest or in our garden. There is so much to observe, feel, discover and to listen to.
- I love books like " Inkheart","The Hobbit", "The Chronicles of Narnia"or "Grimm's fairytales". 
- There are times when I don't want to speak at all  and there are times when I can almost talk for hours. It always depends on the person I talk to. It's not easy for me to talk about my emotions or thoughts.


The Hermitage
Oana Befort

Well, this aren't 15, but I picked the most inspring of the blogs I follow.

Montag, 1. Oktober 2012


October touched the land with his golden fingers and this made me think of this qoute , even if it has little to do with October itself:

" I am a product of long corridors, empty sunlit rooms, upstairs indoor silences, attics explored in solitude,distant noises of gurgling cisterns and pipes, and the noise of wind under the tiles. Also, of endless books"                                    ~C.S.Lewis       

You will hear more of me later. So far, I wish you a happy week :)


Freitag, 21. September 2012

" Autumn is a second spring .....

.... when every leaf is a flower."
                               ~Albert Camus

My life wasn't very interesting and funny the last weeks but somehow busy.
I have to find a place for a kind of practical training in a company or something like this for two weeks in January next year. With this goes alot of effort and it will be very important for our marks and so far everyone I contacted wether wasn't interested or could tell me if I can stay there first in some months (which is too late).
But I will keep going.
Maybe this sounds a bit like self pity, but I am a little annoyed and stressed of my cold I have for over two weeks now. So I took some time for myself and some aren't very happy that I am not around them for one day, but what can I do?  

Well, this was a very self-pitying text, but my head is so full of thoughts and writing some of them down helps alot.

So let's focus on the postive things:
Today is autumn equinox so we have to say goodbye to summer. This was a strange summer. When it didn't rain, it  often was very, very  hot. I am a bit sad because I haven't done everything I wanted to do but, well, next year there will be  another summer and new leaves.
But I really love autumn so I will take every possible second to enjoy and celebrate this wonderful season.
One good thing about it is the fact that when I am on my way to school the sun rises shiny red and gold and I pass magical fields of fog.

I just hope your week was well so far and I wish you a relaxing weekend.

Mittwoch, 12. September 2012

These quotes I liked a lot the last days and maybe you like them too.

" I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order." 
                                                                                   ~John Burroughs

I really want to work more in our garden because I really want more flowers next summer.But now I am fascinated by all of the ripe or almost ripe fruits: The apples turn red, the rasberries are sweet and the fields are almost completly harvested.

"If it is right, it happens- The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away"
                                                                                    ~ John Steinbeck

I just hope you week was well so far, and if it wasn't ,  I wish you the best for the rest of it.

Mittwoch, 29. August 2012


Before we reached Finland, we drove for a really long time.
Because we had to wait for the ferry, we spend some hours in Stockholm which is quite beautiful:

 This is a wonderful cafe. "Some" guests wrote with a white pen on the wall. There were so many languages: English, Swedish, German, Chinese.....

Finally we were on the ferry and had a beautiful  view over large and small islands....

 .....and the sun was amazing.

It was the first time I slept "on the water".

One day, now in Finland, we visited Olavinlinna Castle which was built on an island.

This is the largest wooden church in the world! About 3000 people can take a seat in it.

This is the lake near to the house we stayed over the two weeks:

But finally we drove back....

.... but we spent a little time in Helsinki.

I think the Helsinki Chathedral is one of the most beautiful buildings in Helsinki.
Maybe I think so because after I climbed the stairs, the Cathedral was shining so wonderful bright and white and it looked so overhelming.

Look at the golden stars.

The qualtity of this foto isn't very good, but the day I made it, I saw three rainbows.

Finland is pretty beautiful, especially the feeling you get when you are driving along the road and there is absolutly nothing but birches, pines and lakes ( but nothing compares to Ireland).

So far that's everything but when my cousins is back I 'll show you the fotos of the day when we walked through a quite nice forest( Unfortunately my camera's battery was empty on this day).

Have a joyful week <3