Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

Discovering nature

Because May shows us so much life I'd like to show you some of my favourite flowers in our garden:

 But this isn't everything. On Friday I went into the forest with no plan on my mind, I just wanted to calm my mind from so much thoughts.

The forest was beautiful. Because of the strong wind a couple of trees made really strange and loud noises but the athmosphere was totally peaceful. Some seeds and kind of old tree blossoms fell down and the warm sunlight turned them to sparkling fairies.


Suddenly I heard someone or something making a kind of barking noise very close to  me. It was confusing because at this time of year dogs have to be leashed.
I was absolutley sure to be alone and so I looked closer and my heart stopped beating for a second.

Three little fox babies were playing alone around their burrow,  only 5 or 7 meters were between them and me.

You can't imagine how touched I was. I'm sure I haven't seen a fox outside a cage before....

It was a beautiful day.

May the rest of your weekend become wonderful :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. oh, i am jealous now! You're such a lucky girl to see three little foxes...i am sure it was a magic moment! keep it in your memories, love.
